
Howtocreateabargraph·Enterthetitle,horizontalaxisandverticalaxislabelsofthegraph.·Enterdatalabelnamesorvaluesorrange.·Setnumberof ...,ComparedatawithcustombargraphsorinteractivebarchartracewithCanva'sfreebargraphcreatoronline.,CreateacustomizedBarChartforfree.Enteranydata,customizethechart'scolors,fontsandotherdetails,thendownloaditoreasilyshareitwitha ...,Createabargraphforfreeinminutes.Ourfr...

Bar Graph Maker

How to create a bar graph · Enter the title, horizontal axis and vertical axis labels of the graph. · Enter data label names or values or range. · Set number of ...

Free Bar Graph Maker

Compare data with custom bar graphs or interactive bar chart race with Canva's free bar graph creator online.

Create a Single Bar Chart

Create a customized Bar Chart for free. Enter any data, customize the chart's colors, fonts and other details, then download it or easily share it with a ...

Free Bar Graph Maker

Create a bar graph for free in minutes. Our free bar graph creator is here to help you easily create your eye-catching graph in minutes.

Free Bar Graph Maker AI

Create bar charts & graphs with Free Bar Graph Maker AI in seconds and practically visualize categories and values without any coding knowledge.

Free Bar Graph Maker

Create a Bar Graph for free with easy to use tools and download the Bar graph as jpg, png or svg file. Customize Bar Chart according to your choice.

Create a Graph Classic - Bar Graph

Bar graphs can be used to show how something changes over time or to compare items. They have an x-axis (horizontal) and a y-axis (vertical). Typically, the x- ...

Free Bar Graph Maker

Use our free bar graph maker to create professional bar graphs without asking for help by your team's designers. Start now for free.

Free Bar Graph Maker

Enter your data labels and values into our bar chart maker. Copy and paste your own data values straight from Excel, CSV, or link a Google Sheet.